Created: 2010-03-03 23:24, Views: 1264(24)Which of you or your friends, colleagues have ever brought a sick-list to work, which would indicate that the person will not come to work for two or three weeks because of depression. At least I have never heard of such an occasion in Latvia. In addition, many do not consider it to be an illness but the weakness of a person, saying, he just can`t pull himself together pretending to be helpless.
Created: 2009-11-29 18:36, Views: 0(9)Chocolate effect on human mind and body was explored long time ago, and of the first discoveries was fixed and publicized in 1653 in France. It was done by popular cardinal Richelieu brother Bonavontura Di Aragon. In details he has written down chocolate effect on human organism and has explored it’s calming down, relaxing and digestive effect.