Created: 2009-03-03 22:02, Views: 0(10)Interest about this science or pseudoscience (who like how) caused a broadcast in television channel “24TEXHO”, where English phrenologist talked about this theory birth history and shortly introduced about it. In any case, it is one of forms how person can better find out himself and other people, to quess his predisposition to one or other case.
Created: 2009-01-09 19:46, Views: 0(12)Starting to read OSHOS book “Joy” for very long time I cannot to get used to very many said thing and thoughts in this book. That book simply annoyed me. I thought, similar feeling could take over many readers, especially those, who know about Buddhism philosophy very less. However, under the spur of curiosity, I carefully explored this book, although through some kind of critical prism.
Created: 2008-08-16 11:42, Views: 1805(23)