Carded wool is grateful material, like clay or any other plastic material to create lovely toys by any form. This time I will make hefty rabbit using dry felting technique with a purpose I will describe in next articles in order to keep little intrigue.
What we need:
carded wool (white, black and red);
felting needle;
polyester pad.
Initially we have to make two balls, one bigger and other smaller. After that, we need to stick both balls together by felting them each to another.
Separately we create ears, giving appropriate form and cavity. After ears are created, we have to felt them to previously created rabbit body.
Next, we have to form a rabbit face. Two small balls will form rabbit cheeks, red wool ball in the middle will form rabbits nose.
Separately on the pad we create eyes using white and black wool. Later, stick them on the top of cheeks on both sides of the nose. If needed, you can create whiskers and stick them to cheeks.
Next, we create bunny scut preferable from black wool (for contrast) and stick it to the rabbit backside. I you would love, you may create also scarf and checkered bow tie. Couple of evenings and lovely toy is ready! :)
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