Human body and nature
Created: 2011-06-06 19:42, Views: 70317(110)
Created: 2011-05-21 21:16, Views: 11711(119)
Created: 2011-02-07 21:00, Views: 0(42)One day we talked about how automobile choice characterizes its owner. I thought about my acquaintances, friends and family and about their vehicles, it came to make something like short every automobile brand owners typological description. I need to tell you at once, that we don’t claim to be something like scientific result summary, but just on subjective observations. And exceptions exist always.
Created: 2011-01-24 22:41, Views: 0(15)
Created: 2011-01-06 16:47, Views: 4225(29)There are dreams that we simply do not remember, and even wrongly claim that tonight I did not dream. Everyone dreams, even the blind people who during the day do not see certain images or colours. But there are dreams that surprise, scare, move us, regardless of how superstitious we are, and make us look for a dream interpretation book, or most likely make us try finding one in
Created: 2010-09-14 19:50, Views: 1696(32)Everybody knows the old saying - old habits die hard. Is it good or bad to surrender to daily habits or should they be changed from time to time? I was inspired by a man in a tram or rather his habit to write about this subject. Every morning for the last two months (at least as much as I managed to observe) he gets on the second wagon of the tram and always sits down at the corner seat of the third row of the right side placing his backpack next to him.
Created: 2010-03-03 23:24, Views: 1267(24)Which of you or your friends, colleagues have ever brought a sick-list to work, which would indicate that the person will not come to work for two or three weeks because of depression. At least I have never heard of such an occasion in Latvia. In addition, many do not consider it to be an illness but the weakness of a person, saying, he just can`t pull himself together pretending to be helpless.
Created: 2009-11-12 20:17, Views: 11457(60)Imagine that even what kinds of fruit you choose for desert or snack between meals can indicate some of the characteristics you have. American psychologist Elaine Kan has created a description of fruits and the corresponding characteristics of a person. Afterward correspondence with zodiac signs was established. As any classification, also this one seems appealing, maybe not as much for its adequacy or in the name of science, but for consideration or entertainment. The classification of this American psychologist and my thoughts on it below.
Created: 2009-10-14 00:12, Views: 0(11)
Created: 2009-08-07 19:34, Views: 0(47)As Freud once raged on the slip of the tongue, which is never accidental and have something to show the about inner soul, as well as drawings and scribble, on the edges of the paper,aren’t accidental. Sees' good time psychologists have studied unintentionally towed line correlation with human internal experiences. I will try to briefly summarize a few insights.
Created: 2009-03-03 22:02, Views: 0(10)Interest about this science or pseudoscience (who like how) caused a broadcast in television channel “24TEXHO”, where English phrenologist talked about this theory birth history and shortly introduced about it. In any case, it is one of forms how person can better find out himself and other people, to quess his predisposition to one or other case.
Created: 2008-12-20 21:26, Views: 0(212)It’s interesting, that when human born, he has no birthmarks. They appear in life time, most intensive in age 5-6. Birthmarks can be in different sizes and colors. Most frequently they are on tummy, back, but they can be on arms and legs, on face, in armpits, under nails and in genital areas. They are subjected under changes. Normally people have 10-40 birthmarks and, although many of them are already showed, when people comes to 20 year age, their number can change, for example, in years of maturity in can grow. Birthmarks can disappear too.
Created: 2008-12-17 20:38, Views: 105531(98)