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  • Created: 2010-02-07 21:27, Views: 3211
    Film for gourmets where a successful composition of visual and audible paintings is expressed. Therefore, in stead of an exciting story it attracts with its music, rhythm and display of subtle emotions.
  • Created: 2010-01-17 18:45, Views: 1870
    Today I got inspired to make a flower, which could be attached to clothing and revive it by adding some "edge" to it. I will introduce you to an already tested recipe, how to make a unique accessory from simple materials and make a frivolous flower broach.
  • Created: 2009-11-29 18:36, Views: 0
    Chocolate effect on human mind and body was explored long time ago, and of the first discoveries was fixed and publicized in 1653 in France. It was done by popular cardinal Richelieu brother Bonavontura Di Aragon. In details he has written down chocolate effect on human organism and has explored it’s calming down, relaxing and digestive effect.
  • Created: 2009-11-12 20:17, Views: 11416
    Imagine that even what kinds of fruit you choose for desert or snack between meals can indicate some of the characteristics you have. American psychologist Elaine Kan has created a description of fruits and the corresponding characteristics of a person. Afterward correspondence with zodiac signs was established. As any classification, also this one seems appealing, maybe not as much for its adequacy or in the name of science, but for consideration or entertainment. The classification of this American psychologist and my thoughts on it below.
  • Created: 2009-10-22 01:09, Views: 0
    When you hear thename of Coco Chanel, surely every woman can name at least two timeless things she created - a small black dress (created 20.year mid-20th century) and perfume ("Chanel № 5"). But this time not so much about her biography, or achievements in the field of fashion, but about Coco Chanel's philosophy, which, of course, reflects in her works.
  • Created: 2009-10-14 00:12, Views: 0
    Horror films - a genre that thoroughly titillate nerve endings. Sometimes we want to close our eyes, or crawl under the covers, but then again after a moment confined to the TV screen. Paradox - scared, but watching. Where then lies the horror film "Salt"? Why do we like to watch horror movies?
  • Created: 2009-09-25 20:57, Views: 0
    She hates heighten softness, sentimentality, delicate – she just doesn’t feel this love game atmosphere. After passion full love night, she is able to act like there didn’t happen anything: no gentle word, career or smile. She carefully needs to choose her partner – worst fits Capricorn, but the best – Virgo and Scorpion. To her greatest enemy is she self.
  • Created: 2009-09-22 20:07, Views: 0
    Italiandirectors Ettore Scola's film "Le Bal" (1983), in which in the Paris dance hall is survived through 50 years of French history from the late 30th to 80s. In addition, changing the message, scenery and events there aren’t spoken no words, no name. Everything’s expressedin actors’ movements, facial expressions, eye gaze and dance.
  • Created: 2009-08-27 18:20, Views: 0
    Rejecting, these woman tenderness ways, you can easy hurt her. Reject she counts as way of hate, although understanding, that to men, it could be overwork result, which is caused by keen of sex. To her, it’s hard to understand, because she never feels to much erotically impulse caused tiredness. In one time she can be pretty good housekeeper, woman and beloved, mother. She’s absolutely loyal and belongs just for one partner, so that’s because she can treat intolerant, if partner has a need and wish to keep contacts with many woman once.
  • Created: 2009-08-07 19:34, Views: 0
    As Freud once raged on the slip of the tongue, which is never accidental and have something to show the about inner soul, as well as drawings and scribble, on the edges of the paper,aren’t accidental. Sees' good time psychologists have studied unintentionally towed line correlation with human internal experiences. I will try to briefly summarize a few insights.
  • Created: 2009-07-26 19:48, Views: 0
    Wedding is one beautiful life celebration, and certainly, if someone has doubt, if they need to organize them with range or thought to get married just in attendance of weddingwitnesses, saving time, money, energy and everything else, then unambiguous we advise to celebrate these celebrations. It stands as a value for all lifelong. Besides, wedding anniversaries are amazing chance after many years to become a little bit sentimental and to remember about all beautiful moments, which are spent together, and hard times, which are shared and got through together.
  • Created: 2009-07-23 18:19, Views: 0
    She plays with men, not knowing the real meaning if this game, because she doesn’t feel sexual tendency. This woman likes to subordinate man, she very well knows her attractiveness and tries to bring it out, not looking on it, that she doesn’t feel strong sexual desire. Generally she like to make love and she pretty easy can get satisfy, but refusing from more or less extravagant positions in time of sex, can come about, that the haircut isn’t messed out.
  • Created: 2009-06-20 14:01, Views: 0
    Making love (in this word real meaning) asks very hight consciousness level, in which looses self-control, for wich comes enthusiasm, full surrender and extazy. Although Cancer, whenever is doing whatever, anyway wants to hold upper hand over others, to dominate and control them. This attitude comes in in conflict with sexuality.
  • Created: 2009-06-07 21:43, Views: 1334
    I - iinuu - also registered one on May 9 this year at www.gravatar.com. But later when I proudly announced to my friends that I also have an avatar on the web, many of them answered - nice, but what does it mean? So now about avatars.
  • Created: 2009-05-25 20:17, Views: 0
    Turns out that to answer this question tried some advertising campaign creators. Advertisement was provided to popularize Italian brand Meltin’ Pot, its motive is “I dream. I am.” Let’s look on some advertisements!
  • Created: 2009-05-21 23:14, Views: 0
    In this signs born woman raer founds her true happiness, very often her searching ends tragic. Destiny has decided that she needs to dream about her one and only – ideal – partner, which she will seek for all of her life. She has the feeling that life isn’t full of value. If this woman founds her searched ideal, her life becomes like paradise on Earth, but this happens very rear. If this find is near ideal, she can be happy.
  • Created: 2009-04-21 22:30, Views: 2552
    There is no point in worshipping, stalking or taking her by force; she chooses a partner herself and only in solitude with a beloved one reveals her deepest feelings. She treats other men coldly; not everyone can adapt to her disorientation, expressions of passion and whims. Relationship with this woman requires a lot of patience.
  • Created: 2009-03-03 22:02, Views: 0
    Interest about this science or pseudoscience (who like how) caused a broadcast in television channel “24TEXHO”, where English phrenologist talked about this theory birth history and shortly introduced about it. In any case, it is one of forms how person can better find out himself and other people, to quess his predisposition to one or other case.
  • Created: 2009-01-19 19:21, Views: 0
    Musical instrument, which is simmilar to guitar, but sound is full of oriental colorit. Single accessible information about in Latvia about this wonderful Indian instrument, is that with the sitar oriental world introduced Ravi Sankar and J.Harison from „The Beatles”.
  • Created: 2009-01-09 19:46, Views: 0
    Starting to read OSHOS book “Joy” for very long time I cannot to get used to very many said thing and thoughts in this book. That book simply annoyed me. I thought, similar feeling could take over many readers, especially those, who know about Buddhism philosophy very less. However, under the spur of curiosity, I carefully explored this book, although through some kind of critical prism.
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